View Full Version : Shortwave
- Re: (OT) Dow soars to 9000 today
- Chine Radio Intn'l - CRI Winter B08 schedules
- FCC High Frequency stations Winter B08
- I was thinking aurora...
- National RF-B65D
- Buy and Sell Vintage Tube Gear!
- B08 schedule, IRRS-Shortwave and EGR
- Snub Rant
- B-08 English shortwave schedules-Prime Time Shortwave
- Test
- Pirate - 6926
- Degen DE1123 AM / FM / SW Specs
- Check This Out: Degen DE1123 DSP AM /FM / SW Shirt Pocket SWRadio
- Pirate - 6955
- Pirate - 6925
- (OT) More slime
- Re: Shortwave
- ADDX Schedules Updated
- Pirate - 6925
- All News KCBS-AM on 740 kHz goes to FM 106.9 MHz in the SF Bay Area
- Re: EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: Shortwave
- Grundig S350 or the S350 Deluxe ?¿
- Phone Contest in CW/Digital Part of 40 Meter Band?
- Re: Shortwave
- 4798 kHz
- (OT) Trading on US Markets Halted
- MORE crap from Alaska!
- Audi to include HD Radio?
- New DRM Scheme
- Satallit 750 has arrived
- Iranian security arrests two pigeons for espionage
- Top News
- 5.070 Alex Jones
- (OT) Give me
- Passport to World Band Radio 2009 Has Arrived
- Radio
- Trafalgar Day
- Radio New Zealand B08
- most (OT), Questions.
- New EU DRM service
- Eduardo is on the list!
- Eduardo - Serious Question For you
- Where ya at?
- FA; Kantronics mini-terminal Code RTTY reader
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Damn I hate to see this
- Free Electronics Magazines!
- “USB-powered HD Radio?
- Radio Australia 9.580 at 9:50 UTC
- Top News
- 02:00 UTC Alex Jones on 5.070
- Warning: Newsgroup Infection
- 5.070 coming in loud & clear on The East Coast
- Eduardo - has ASCAP killed online HD2 streaming?
- (OT) Glen Beck joins Fox News.
- Radio Prague B08
- Radio Prague B08
- Re: N8WWM likes polish sausage
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Re: Change Columbus Day to Native American Day
- Hybrid digital can’t stand on its own merit
- I guess
- A Few Shortwave-Related Books
- Anybody vote yet?
- (OT) For roy-boy, who needs to get a life!
- Prison Planet Video and Chat
- "CHANGE" in The Workplace
- FS: Grundig Satellit 3400 Proffesional SW Radio & GE Superadio AM/FMfirst edition
- I voted, Did you
- Radio Espania 6.055 at 00:00 UTC
- Negative Advertising
- Re: McCain't would be a bad prez because....
- Cheapest Web Designing
- Hey Telamon
- (OT) : John "Smiley" McCain Would Be A Good President : Because HeLove His Country and Knows Leadership
- Re: McCain't would be a bad prez because....
- A Happy Thanksgiving...
- SPECIAL: McCain/Palin's Unrepentant Terrorist Pal
- Happy Thanksgiving to our canadian friends
- Re: I don't know about you but I am voting independent
- More Horse Chytt
- Re: eBay's Top 10 Shortwave Radios/Receivers
- (OT) : White Women Voters Will Be The Deciding Factor In The USPresiential Election
- VOA is no more than a 'black propaganda' brodcasting agency...
- Roy
- Re: Here is where digital radio should go
- Older Male Seeking Young Males
- Re: Here is where digital radio should go
- ibiquity AM hybrid digital radio provides little consumer benefits
- The Real Obama
- Latest DXpedition in South Africa
- Re: Good Old Boy said
- (OT) : Voting Your Principles {Values / Deeply Held Beliefs} Is NeverA Wasted Vote
- Saturday Logs
- I Don't know about you but I am voting independent
- Re: I don't know about you but I am voting independent
- Re: I don't know about you but I am voting independent
- DX Audio Clips from Exc. Asian MW TP Reception on Oct. 9
- New Cycle 24 Sunspot Looks Big
- Internet Radio
- People like roy,
- (OT) Earthquake - Virgin Islands
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: (OT) John McCain is an old, tired, Loser
- Video: Sarah Palin-Championed Program Executed 14 Wolf Pups
- FA: Alpha-Delta DX Ultra Mediumwave & HF Antenna - Brand New
- Re: Hellenedyne: a new type of regen-reflex radio
- Re: (OT) John McCain is an old, tired, Loser
- No need for HD radios for tagging
- SPECIAL: November 2007 McCain Admits to Being Blindsided by MortgageMess
- Don't Forget
- (OT) : Debate II : John "Smiley" McCain -versus- Barack Hussein Obama
- Re: Top News
- Passport 2009
- SPECIAL: Petraeus: US Should Talk With Talk With Taliban, OtherEnemies
- “IBiquity announces 1.5 million HD chipsets shipped.” Wow! More B.S.
- eBay: r 390A clone
- Re: (OT) : BP - In a Real Democracy You Do Not Exclude Half the PeopleFrom Voting because You 'Deam' {Judge} Them To Be {Unfit} "Low Information"(STUPID) Voters
- Re: (OT) McCant/Palin Banking on low information (Stupid) voters
- Re: Lies & Distortions are Costing McCain/Palin The Election!!!!
- Re: (OT) McCant/Palin Banking on low information (Stupid) voters
- As soon as McCain releases his record of collaborating with Vietcongjailers
- John McCain Soils Pants During Debate: Forced To Bolt Studio
- Re: (OT) McCant/Palin Banking on low information (Stupid) voters
- Re: Please stop cross posting (was Re: [Off topic] Re: Demand thatObama release his college records! Where is the media?
- Re: ÇÍÏË ÇáÇÛÇäì ÇáÚÑíÈå æÇáÈæã ÊÇãÑ ÚÇÔæÑ æÇÕÇáå æÇÛÇäì ÓäÌá áÄÇÆá ÌÓÇÑ æÇÓåÇÈ ÊæÝíÞ áÚÇã 2008
- Re: “Keating Five” vs the “Obama Ten”
- Re: ÇÍÏË ÇáÇÛÇäì ÇáÚÑíÈå æÇáÈæã ÊÇãÑ ÚÇÔæÑ æÇÕÇáå æÇÛÇäì ÓäÌá áÄÇÆá ÌÓÇÑ æÇÓåÇÈ ÊæÝíÞ áÚÇã 2008
- The Real Obama
- Re: (OT) : BP - In a Real Democracy You Do Not Exclude Half thePeople From Voting because You 'Deam' {Judge} Them To Be {Unfit} "LowInformation" (STUPID) Voters
- Re: ´Keating Five¡ vs the ´Obama Ten¡
- Re: The Truth about Neo-Commie Pals Barack Obama and William Ayers
- (OT) : Are You a "Low Information Demograpic" Voter ?
- Re: Looking for a good SWL loggings program.
- Please Help Me
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His Birth...
- Time for me to step in
- SPECIAL: Is John McCain a Crook?
- Re: Demand that Obama release his college records! Where is the media?
- Re: IBOC obsolete out of the box.
- Re: Demand that Obama release his college records! Where is themedia?
- Re: (OT) : Sarah Palin -debates- Joe Biden : What Does Joe Six-Pack...
- Obama is a secret communist
- Re: Looking for a good SWL loggings program.
- YouTube, Censorship, and Barack Obama: What's the Connection?
- Obamao Invites Teens to a Party
- Re: Do Facts Matter?
- Re: Barack O'Bama is IRISH!
- (OT) : NOW-PAC Endorses Obama / Biden -cause- The Boys are Feministand Sarah Palin a Women Ain't !
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Looking for an AOR WL-500 loop antenna
- Gas Fund
- Sun Makes History: First Spotless Month in a Century
- Re: (OT) : John "Smiley" McCain's Birth Certificate - Passed withF...
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Universal has a Frog 7 w/Collins filter
- Re: 9625 Jazz Music [CBC North]
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- SPECIAL: Martial Law Timeline (in no particular order)
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His Birth ...
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- (OT) : Remnants of Steve Fossett's Airplane Found
- (OT) : Sarah Palin -debates- Joe Biden : Debate Analysis
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Best radio less than $400
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days -- No, the judge DID NOT ORDER OBAMA TO PRODUCE ADAMN THING -- original poster doesn't know how to read legal documents
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- The Battle Hymn of the Republicans
- Radio Oktoberfest
- More attempts to smear and lie from the radical right wing loons.
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: Federal Judge Orders a Stonewalling Obama To Produce His BirthCertificate In Three Days
- Re: (OT) : Nancy Pelosi's Liberal Democrat TRASH TALK TorpedoestheBi-Partisan Vote on the 2008 Financial Recovery Bill
- Radio St. Helena Test
- Re: Bailout Politics
- Re: (OT) : One-in-Ten [1:10] Americans 'Think' Barack "H" Obama isa Muslim
- Re: Bailout Politics
- Best SW indoor antenna poll
- Top News
- Markey's malarkey
- Markey's malarkey
- Markey's malarkey
- Markey's malarkey
- Communist Party USA Executive Vice-Chair Stumping for ObaMao!
- Struble's long-tailed scam
- Struble's long-tailed scam
- Re: IBOC obsolete out of the box.
- Re: HD Radio is a Farce!
- ObaMao Jugend singt für Änderung
- Re: Pocket-Radio is obsolete - has yet to crawl out from his box.
- Re: Barack O'Bama is IRISH!
- Re: Bailout Politics
- Re: Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns
- Re: Barack O'Bama is IRISH!
- Re: Retired Government BureaucRAT Changes Subject Header
- Re: ObaMao > Dept o Peace? Better: Voting Republican't is Votingfor WWIII
- Re: Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns
- Re: Grundig Satellit 750
- Re: IBOC obsolete out of the box.
- Re: Older Male Seeking Younger Males
- FLASH BULLETIN - ObaMao Net-Nazi's Censoring "Burning Down The House"video
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- More Markey/iBiquity/NAB/HD Alliance bluff?
- Re: George Orwell as Ghost Writer for Henry Paulsen
- All Radio's To Have HD Chips
- They Gave Your Mortgage to a Less Qualified Minority
- Jihad on the High Seas
- RE: Smearing plastic display
- Re: Questions re: R8
- Re: Derivatives the new 516 TRILLION 'ticking bomb'
- SPECIAL: Attorney General Mukasey May be a Patriot After All
- Re: ObaMao threatening the licenses of TV stations that run NRA ads
- Re: Obama’s Amerikkka Corps
- Re: Questions re: R8
- Very very OT but Interesting
- Great Bargains On Ebay
- Re: For those hoping IBOC is going to go away......
- Re: ObaMao threatening the licenses of TV stations that run NRA ads
- Obama's Guerrilla War for the Web
- From ObaMao's own web site
- Shortwave radio enthusiasts
- Re: Obama's Disturbing Muslim Outreach
- debating obama
- Eduardo - Pandora, Webcasting appear headed for Senate victory!
- ATTN: Coohoo. Brian Hill is having a sale. (from
- Re: ( OT) Palin Bilked Alaskan Taxpayers $16,941 ‘Per Diem’ To Stay Home At Her House
- Re: ( OT) Palin Bilked Alaskan Taxpayers $16,941 ‘Per Diem’ To Stay Home At Her House
- Why Michelle Obama should worry
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