View Full Version : Shortwave
- 3YØX Peter 1 Island
- BBC Screen Saver
- Radio Difusora, Macapá
- Icom R72
- Re: 3YØX-Last Call?
- Flex-Radio SDR-1000 Update
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Re: Radio Shack to close 400 to 700 stores
- Re: Mystery (to me) Reciever
- Re: ARGH!
- Re: SOLD OUT Sony ICF-SW7600GR For $119.95 free shipping
- Pirata-6925 FM
- 4915-WWCR Mixing Product (Not Radio Difusora!)
- KVTA Morning Show Host Dave Ciniero Dies
- Top News
- Re: 3YØX
- Radio Shack to close 400 to 700 stores
- DRM end 2006 ???
- Re: Mystery (to me) Reciever
- Re: Living Will
- Re: 28 Gauge
- WTB: DX-440/Sangean ATS-803A
- Icom R72, FM Unit
- Re: Mystery (to me) Reciever
- Anyone ever use a Magnavox Philips D2999 ???
- Re: Mystery (to me) Reciever
- Re: CAMSPAC info
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Saturn's Static
- MediaLine Radio: Current edition (11 February - 23 February 2006)
- Re: Very interesting
- Re: 28 Gauge
- Re: World and USA media reporting on VP accidents
- Re: World and USA media reporting on VP accidents
- Re: World and USA media reporting on VP accidents
- Re: World and USA media reporting on VP accidents
- Re: Saddam general: WMDs in Syria
- Re: World and USA media reporting on VP accidents
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Ionosphere
- Re: Antenna Info
- American independence radio hour
- Antenna Info
- station?
- Re: Introducing DaviD Rickets' Valentines Date
- Guess how much
- WTB: Panasonic RF 4800 or 4900 PARTS SCRAPPER
- Brazil-4915
- 5965 khz @ 22:40 UTC : Radio Republica ?
- WWCR Mixing Product
- ADVICE on aerials for 5.680
- Geophysical Indices - "at a glance" freeware
- ABOUT - The Eton {Etón} 'Elite' E5 AM/FM Shortwave Radio - Part II -
- Re: All India Radio
- Re: All India Radio
- Pentagon Sets Sights on Internet
- Huge page with audio of this year of mw and sw pirates
- EiBi Skeds Updated + Algeria [non] sked
- Sony PRO 80 Scanner
- radio finland?
- Re: Lloyd Davies set fire to several Alabama churches!
- Did anyone copy SuitSat ???
- Pirata-6925
- Pirata-6925
- Armed Forces Radio
- Re: Why is 'Talk Radio' So Conservative ? - Because PeopleTune-In...
- Re: Is this antenna any good?
- Somebody should write to the Delano tx...
- Greece
- Dx Amazing conditions
- bs
- Dial Cord Qick Fix
- 11.735 17:34 UTC
- Grounding A Radio ?
- Re: Cool
- Icom R72 update
- Radio Australia 9580 and 6020
- Restart Subject: Ever heard your letter read on air?
- FS: G.E. Superadio I
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Underground Bases
- "Non-breakable" RCA radio ad ~1950s
- WAVECOM Digital Data Decoders - Opinions? Pitfalls?
- Tube Tortillas
- Top News
- India on 10330 at 16:30 UTC sounds like Sackville relay
- Icom R72?
- FS: Spare parts Plessey PR-2250 receiver
- Lowe HF-225 whip preamplifier
- Manuals-In-PDF
- Wiki fun: update infos on T-Systems SW relay stations in Germany...
- Is that a beacon?
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Propagation
- voice of korea recording 6285Khz
- Re: UK TV Detector Vans and Scanners
- cuban numbers station recording
- A Big Signal from a Small Lot - Part II
- Shortwave Radios
- OT-France and EMP
- Catch your fav DX or SWL show here
- Dxers Calling streamed audio is back of your fav SW show
- Mr. Static - Index: The On-Line Resource for Static-Related Compliance Issues
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- 3Y0X - Peter I Island - Antarctica
- VOA to be eliminated?
- Can someone in Sackville, NB fax this Wikipedia text to RCI Relay Station + RCI (Montreal)
- CHU Time Station : Western Canada Coverage Proposal // Fax to NRC is Ottawa SVP
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- Grounding Rod Question
- Re: UK TV Detector Vans and Scanners
- Re: UK TV Detector Vans and Scanners
- Hallicrafters Radio
- No Snow at Winter Olympics
- Want to replace old flat tv cable with better coax.
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Back fromk the Dead
- Re: IBM Power6 to 6GHz
- LF Engineering H-800 Antenna - Again
- Code practice or numbers station on 10125 khz?
- FA: 2 Kenwood R-1000 Communication Receivers
- Shortwave Radio??
- FS: Grundig Satellit 6001
- Drake R7 problem found
- BBC Museum
- Hallicrafters
- Movies,Radios
- Par Electronics EF-SWL Antenna
- Antenna Directionality
- Snow / Disconnecting Antenna
- MFJ 1045C Preselector....oh, and the 1020C, too.
- Kneisner and Doering KWZ30-2
- ATTN: GE Superadio III owners
- Odd identifier heard on 416.23KHz LSB ?
- Can someone in Sackville, NB fax this to RCI Relay Station ( "transmission network" needs some minor updates...
- The end?
- Sigma 5 vertical as a horizontal antenna???
- WTB: Uno DOS Cuatro by Havana Moon
- K + D KWZ30 pics
- RHF still missing?
- More RNZI Problems...
- Re: - Pronounciation of Mxyzptlk...
- True prediction on SW -- is BPL next?
- Sangean 803A
- Re: - Pronounciation of Mxyzptlk...
- numbers station reported on 7.10mhz
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- REPORT: Voice of Justice (Iran) at 0130 on 6120
- General reception on the SW bands today improved
- Radio Database software to browse HFCC, ILG, Eibi listings ???
- Radio Australia and New Zealand reception today
- WWV and WWVH on 20MHz
- Pirata=6925
- Re: Suitsat Update
- Yahoo group devoted to the KWZ30 / KWZ30-2
- Re: - Pronounciation of Mxyzptlk...
- Re: - Pronounciation of Mxyzptlk...
- use computer speakers?
- Re: Uses of The 4th Dimension (New Discovery by The Human Race!)
- Radio Polonia
- LF Engineering H-800 antenna
- Vale Keith Glover of Radio Australia
- Can Iran be heard in California?
- FS: 2 Kenwood R-1000 Communication Receivers $300 shipped
- FS: 2 Kenwood R-1000 Communication Receivers $400 shipped
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Pirate-6925
- "Huntress" Frequencies ?
- Pirate-6955
- Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar
- Sont icf-SW55 ???
- SuitSat - No Luck Yet.........................
- FA Radio Shack Loop Antenna Unused
- OT Deep Philosophical Thoughts on Abortion
- OT China Eyes Global Communism
- Radio Stations in the UK - CORRECTION
- grundig satellit 6001 - help needed
- Looking for a Hallicrafters S-38 in Florida
- Bug Hunt Sequence File
- Re: Uses of The 4th Dimension (New Discovery by The Human Race!)
- What's underneath BBC 5975kHz @ 0257UTC?
- "Ultra" portable MW-SW-FM receiver recommendations?
- Why Does This Happen?
- The Return of Doctor Doom: Chuck Harder returns from outer space
- Pirate-6925
- SpaceSuit
- Wireless Headphones?
- Re: Uses of The 4th Dimension (New Discovery by The Human Race!)
- Re: Uses of The 4th Dimension (New Discovery by The Human Race!)
- Propagation
- Top News
- Listen to Russian Orlan spacesuit this weekend!!
- Portable or tabletop in this application?
- Stern Pirate Update
- Gortons and Whaling
- advice request please guys
- Questions to a (fairly) new newbie
- < $100 Radio ?
- IBOC, place to complain
- Re: Ultra Newbie Wants Help
- GRC-19 Radio sets.
- AIR 11620 kHz; Shortwave in the car
- Pirate-6925
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- New Articles on BDXC Webpage
- Free Satellite Radios at CompUSA
- WJ-8716 review - initial impressions
- JRC NRD 545 DSP or AOR AR7030+
- Why Hillbillies Like Cactus
- really nice portable for sale
- CHU Time Station : Western Canada Coverage Proposal
- Shortwave Radio Loggings from Southern California
- sony sw77
- WRTH Update Available
- EiBi Skeds
- Democracy and the future of free radio
- What's with Dan Schopp?
- Boston Acoustics Lowers Price Of HD Radio Model
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Hot rodding AA5 radios
- Hams to the Rescue!
- Why i disappeared for six months
- Re: Coax Choke For Receiving Antenna ?
- Foxhole Radios by Don Adamson
- (OT) It worked during Katrina
- Drastic cuts at VOA
- Coax Choke For Receiving Antenna ?
- Does anyone in the Swastika, Kirkland Lake and area of Ontario, Canada know of frequencies that I can set into my BC796D?
- sounds like teletype
- FA: WinRadio 313i w/180MHz Option
- Feed Point
- no longer free for the taking?
- FS - Sangean 803A
- QSL received
- antenna newbie
- Haunted Radio
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